Jacob Comello

Punk Connoisseur Highlights Interest in Law

 By Timothy Daye, Jr.

            As a 17-year-old senior at Cardinal Gibbons High School, one punk rock enthusiast intends on bringing change with media law.  Jacob Comello’s interest in media law allows him to understand the problems in conveying opinions.

“I think the biggest problem in media is bias,” Jacob said.  “Media outlets should deny their personal takes and provide clear, objective information.”

Embodying the marriage of his mother’s Filipino heritage and father’s European culture, Jacob’s, diversity has played out in his love for multiple genres of music.

“My dad introduced me to the Beatles and the Who, while my mother provided an R&B influence,” Jacob said.

Jacob’s top three musical groups are the Ramones, the ELL’s and Def Leppard.  Although these groups were very diverse, their old school feel was what linked them together.

Jacob’s musical interest is a major part of Jacob’s unique spirit, but he has also been influenced by his travel and the places he lived.

“During my trips to Hawaii, I was able to see a lot of Filipinos, Asians, Caucasians and Hispanics,” Jacob said.  “The experience shows just how successful different cultures can combine in a single area.”

Jacob’s interest in new cultures stemmed from moving to different areas, especially North Carolina.

“Moving down south, I saw a large number of African-Americans, which I was not used to seeing a multitude of in the North.” Jacob continued, “Seeing a larger number of African-Americans, I was able to gain insight on their culture that I was not familiar with.”

Jacob notices the problems some people have with separate cultures and understands how to have a different outlook.

“I am able to see cultural differences not as a barrier for relations between people, but rather as a catalyst,” Jacob said.

Jacob’s biracial background allows him to appreciate the variety in his parents’ ancestry.

“I truly get the best of both worlds such as when I’m with my father’s parents.” Jacob continued, “I become immersed in classic American culture ranging from cinnamon candles to ornamental pumpkins.”

Jacob’s interest in punk rock and media law has shaped his goals of becoming a lawyer or bass guitarist.  Jacob even hinted at the possibility of following in his mother’s footsteps and becoming a professor.  Regardless of where he ends up, Jacob knows that open-mindedness about others is essential.

“The man who is willing to learn about people who are different from him is also bound to find out more about what makes us the same.”